August 2020
In Cool Climates
August will most likely be the last chance to buy your bare rooted fruit and ornamental stock before they are potted on (and become more expensive). Any deciduous trees that you are thinking of transplanting should be done this month.
When it is too cold and wet to get out in the garden use the spare time to maintain your garden tools. Lightly sand wooden handles and apply linseed oil with a cloth, this will protect against splinters and keep your tools looking brand new. Clean secateur blades with hot soapy water to remove any sticky residue and once dry wipe on vegetable oil to prevent rusting.
Vegetable, herb and flower seeds to plant now
- Artichoke (Globe) – Sow in punnets under cover
- Broadbeans – Sow direct*
- Broccoli – Sow direct, in punnets or plant out seedlings
- Cauliflower – Start in punnets under cover
- Kale – Sow direct, in punnets or plant out seedlings
- Lettuce – Sow direct, in punnets or plant out seedlings
- Onion – Start in punnets under cover
- Radish – Sow direct
- Rocket – Sow direct
- Silverbeet – Sow in punnets under cover
- Spinach – Sow direct or in punnets under cover
- Sugar/Snow Peas – Sow direct
* Last chance to plant or sow
For Temperate Climates
If you are lucky enough to have a large and healthy rhubarb plant, then now is the time to divide the crown before too much new growth. Split the crown into 3 or 4 individual plants ensuring that you leave a good amount of root and 2-3 buds. Plant into well composted soil with buds just sticking above the soil surface. Water in well with a seaweed solution. If you do not have a rhubarb plant now is the perfect time to grow from seed.
It’s also the perfect time to feed your citrus trees. Feed with composted or pellatised chicken manure, compost or a specifically formulated slow release citrus fertiliser. Whatever your choice, lightly work in around the base of your tree, water in with a seaweed solution or worm juice if you have it and cover with mulch.
Vegetable, herb and flower seeds to plant now
- Broccoli – Sow direct*, in punnets* or plant out seedlings
- Beetroot – Sow direct
- Cabbage – Sow direct, in punnets or plant out seedlings
- Capsicum – Sow in punnets under cover
- Carrots – Sow direct
- Celery – Sow in punnets under cover
- Coriander – Sow direct
- Kohlrabi – Sow direct or in punnets
- Lettuce – Sow direct, in punnets or plant out seedlings
- Leek – Sow direct or in punnets
- Mizuna – Sow direct
- Mustard Greens – Sow direct
- Onion – Sow direct, in punnets or plant out seedlings
- Peas – Sow direct
- Radish – Sow direct
- Rocket – Sow direct
- Rhubarb – Sow driect
- Silverbeet – Sow direct, in punnets or plant out seedlings
- Spinach – Sow direct, can be sown in punnets
- Swede – Sow direct
- Tomato – Sow in punnets under cover
- Turnip – Sow direct
* Last chance to plant or sow
Hot/Arid Climates
If you are planning on making passata or chutney this year or simply want flavoursome homegrown tomato’s in your summer salad, now is the time to start to sow your tomato seeds. Ensure seeds are sown undercover to protect from cool nights and in some areas frosts. Also a great time to prepare tomato beds by applying a good dose of compost, some blood and bone or chicken manure and a good covering of mulch. Your soil will be perfect to plant into in just a few weeks.
With the extra warmth and sunshine, weeds are beginning to grow and will need attention to ensure they don’t take over your beds and compete for space and nutrients. Regularly use your garden hoe or fork to keep at bay or mulch with pea straw, straw or sugar cane mulch.
Vegetable, herb and flower seeds to plant now
- Broccoli – Plant out seedlings*
- Beetroot – Sow direct*
- Cabbage – Sow direct, in punnets or plant out seedlings
- Capsicum – Sow in punnets under cover
- Carrots – Sow direct
- Chilli – Sow in punnets under cover
- Corn – Sow direct
- Eggplant – Sow in punnets under cover
- Kale – Plant out seedlings*
- Kohlrabi – Sow direct* in punnets* or plant out seedlings
- Lettuce – Sow direct, in punnets or plant out seedlings
- Leeks – Sow direct, in punnets or plant out seedlings
- Mustard Greens – Sow direct
- Onion – Plant out seedlings*
- Radish – Sow direct
- Rocket – Sow direct
- Silverbeet – Sow direct, in punnets or plant out seedlings
- Tomato – Sow in punnets under cover
- Tomatillo – Sow in punnets under cover
- Turnip – Sow direct
- Herbs like Chives, Coriander, Dill and Sage – Sow direct, OR, Thyme plant out seedlings.
* Last chance to plant or sow
Tropical Climates
Many leafy greens are thriving in the tropics right now. Ensure they are kept well watered and apply a seaweed based liquid fertiliser to promote extra growth and healthier plants.
For many tomato’s are now well underway. Climbing varieties need to be well staked to support the fruit that will be coming. To protect against fruit fly attack purchase exclusion bags or netting for your fruit.
Snake beans are a great choice for tropical gardeners and now is the perfect time to get them in. Ensure they are well watered in the drier weather.
Vegetable, herb and flower seeds to plant now
- Asian Greens – Sow direct
- Beans (Snake only) – Sow direct
- Broccoli – Plant out seedlings*
- Cabbage – Plant out seedlings*
- Capsicum – Sow direct, in punnets or plant out seedlings
- Chilli – Sow in punnets or plant out seedlings
- Corn – Sow direct
- Cucumber – Sow direct
- Eggplant – Sow direct, in punnets or plant out seedlings
- Kale – Plant out seedlings*
- Lettuce (Loose Leaf) – Sow direct, in punnets or plant out seedlings
- Luffa – Sow direct
- Mizuna – Sow direct*
- Mustard Greens – Sow direct*
- Okra – Sow direct
- Pumpkin – Plant out seedlings*
- Radish – Sow direct
- Rocket – Sow direct*
- Silverbeet – Plant out seedlings*
- Squash – Sow direct*, in punnets* or plant out seedlings
- Tomato – Plant out seedlings*
- Tomatillo – Plant out seedlings*
- Warrigal Greens – Sow direct*, in punnets* or plant out seedlings
- Zucchini – Sow direct* in punnets* or plant out seedlings
- Herbs like Coriander*, Dill, Parsley and Sage – Sow direct, WHILE, Basil can be sown direct, in punnets or plant out seedlings and Thyme – plant out seedlings
- Pollinating Flowers like Borage – Sow direct, AND, Marigolds or Calendula – Sow direct, in punnets or plant out seedlings
* Last chance to plant or sow