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Free shipping on 'Seed Only'
orders over $35

Tom Thumb Mix Everlasting Daisy Seeds

Xerochrysum bracteatum

600 Seeds

Tom Thumb Mix Everlasting Daisy Seeds

Also known as the Paper Daisy, this beautiful but tough Australian native produces paper like flowers in beautiful shades of pink, orange, yellow, red and white. Tolerant of a wide range of soil types and thrives in sunny conditions, this variety is a low maintenance, no fuss option for any garden.

Everlasting Daisies are fantastic as both a fresh cut and dried flower. The paper-like flower heads will last indefinitely and retain their colour very well.

A wonderful way of bringing beneficial insects to the garden. While technically a short lived perennial this variety is more often grown as a long lived annual.

Growing to only 40cm this mix is perfect for pots, garden beds and planted en-masse.

Also known as Strawflowers in some circles.



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Planting Guide

Seeds per packet






Plant Spacing


Row Spacing



Full Sun




80 Days

Cool Climate

Sow in Sep-Jan

Temperate Climate

Sow in Aug-Feb

Hot/Arid Climate

Sow in Sep-Jan

Tropical Climate

Sow in Mar-Aug

FREE STANDARD SHIPPING on seed only orders above $35 or on combination seed & supplies orders above $100.

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