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September In The Garden

September 2020

In Cool Climates

For gardeners who live in a cool climate area, a shorter growing season means it’s often a struggle to get tomatoes, chillies, capsicums and eggplants ripening before the weather begins to cool again come March. September is a great time to get a head start – get these vegetables sown indoors or in a mini greenhouse and you will have good sized, healthy seedlings to plant out once the risk of frost has passed. If you don’t have access to a heat mat, make sure seeds are kept in the warmest room of the house – (It is warmth that germinates the seeds). Once germinated, ensure they are kept in a warm but very light and sunny spot to reduce legginess

Don’t have a greenhouse but want to get seedlings off to a great start?  Make a mini greenhouse using a polystyrene box (your local greengrocer maybe a good place to find one) and a sheet of clear plastic or glass (think old window). Make sure you pierce a few holes in the bottom to drain any excess water. 

Vegetable, herb and flower seeds to plant now

* Last chance to plant or sow


In Temperate Climates

Although in many temperate areas it’s still too early to plant tomatoes outdoors, it is a great time to start thinking how and what you will use to support your tomatoes as they grow. While you could spend money on commercially available tomato structures old garden stakes, wire fencing, star pickets and reinforced mesh all make great alternatives.  A walk in your backyard or a chat to a neighbour who is pruning tree’s will often provide you with some good size sticks that can be used as stakes. Here is an excellent video from our friends at Gardening Australia of a structure that can be easily made with little effort. Tomatoes will need to be tied as they grow, avoid using wire or string as this can damage the delicate stems, instead use soft tie which will allow for growth and movement without damaging stems.

September is a great time to take tip cuttings from herbs such as rosemary, lavender and sage. Cut 10cm lengths of new fresh growth and strip all but the top 4 leaves. Dip the cutting into rooting hormone or honey and insert into prepared 4cm deep holes. Firm soil around cuttings and water in. Several cutting can be placed into one medium sized pot, once roots develop they can be on potted.


Vegetable, herb and flower seeds to plant now

* Last chance to plant or sow    AF – After risk of frost


In Hot/Arid Climates

Citrus tree’s can be planted now, pick a spot that has good drainage and in full sun – Citrus appreciate a good water but do not like wet feet. Plant into well composted soil and apply a handful of blood and bone. Water in well with a seaweed solution and mulch well. 

Even though nights may still be cool, don’t be fooled,  the days are much warmer and moisture quickly evaporates from soil. September is a great time to make sure your garden beds are well mulched. Water leafy greens with seaweed solution to keep them strong and healthy as the weather warms.

Vegetable, herb and flower seeds to plant now

* Last chance to plant or sow        AF – After risk of frost


In Tropical Climates

Now is a great time to harvest herbs such as thyme, sage and oregano. Pick and hang in a dry location or place in a food dehydrator. Once dry store in jars or paper bags.

It is time to start thinking about dreaded fruit fly. Install traps and invest in exclusion netting to protect your crops in the months ahead.

September is a great time to plant sweet corn and is there anything better than homegrown sweet corn. As corn is wind pollinated be sure to sow in blocks rather than single lines this will aid in pollination and produce full kernels. Corn loves a sunny spot and is a heavy feeder, plant in well composted soil, and apply blood and bone or pellatised chicken manure while growing. Regularly water with a seaweed based solution.


Vegetable, herb and flower seeds to plant now

* Last chance to plant or sow


Black Krim Tomato in a white bowl sitting on a table




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